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Mohammad Fattahi Sani (Moe Sani)

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Selected Publications

Google Scholar

  1. Mapping Surgeons Hand/Finger Movements to Surgical Tool Motion During Conventional Microsurgery Using Machine Learning
  2. Automatic navigation and landing of an indoor AR. drone quadrotor using ArUco marker and inertial sensors
  3. Experimental study of reinforcement learning in mobile robots through spiking architecture of Thalamo-Cortico-Thalamic circuitry of mammalian brain
  4. Towards finger motion tracking and analyses for cardiac surgery
  5. Unsupervised learning of target attraction for robots through spike timing dependent plasticity
  6. Palm Reading: Using Palm Deformation for Fingers and Thumb Pose Estimation
  7. Towards Sound-source Position Estimation using Mutual Information for Next Best View Motion Planning

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Moe Sani